KK and I took Thomas to the
Dallas Arboretum today to see the "punkins", as he calls them. I dressed him up in his new John Deere boots that Grandma bought him, and his John Deere t-shirt, and I thought he looked so cute! He was so excited when we got there, because I have been telling him for several days how Aunt KK and I were taking him to see the pumpkins. Pumpkins were everywhere. They have the sidewalks all lined with pumpkins, and since Thomas has been learning to count, he kept pointing to and counting all the pumpkins. He counts everything these days. He's able to do 1,2,3 and then for some reason, he usually goes to 7,8,9,10,11 then 17,18. I'm so amazed that he can do that. Little 2 year old brains really are like sponges.
KK and I both brought our cameras, so between the two of us, we were able to get some pretty cute shots. Thomas has never been easy to photograph, because he's so busy, but finally I can make some funny faces to him that actually crack him up. I love that he's getting older... this age is so much more fun than the infant/baby age. ;-)
Thomas does the funniest little thing where, out of the blue, he'll shake his little bootie back and forth to make me laugh, and KK captured him at just the right moment!

"Oooonnne, Twoooooo, Tweeeee..."

Thomas and his Aunt KK

The boots ROCK!