Monday, September 28, 2009

Thomas Can Swing

Yesterday evening, Mike lowered the swing on the playset, and taught Thomas how to swing on it. He picked it up immediately, and I couldn't believe it when I went outside... Mike was washing the car and I looked over and there was Thomas swinging like he had been doing it for months. It really cracked me up, cause I had no idea Mike had taught him. They had only been out there for like 15 minutes. Funny little boy. Here he is swinging today having a little conversation with me.

Shake Your Bootie

One day, I noticed Thomas shaking his little hips back and forth being silly, so of course now I always encourage it. Ha! Here he is shaking his little bootie.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


KK and I took Thomas to the Dallas Arboretum today to see the "punkins", as he calls them. I dressed him up in his new John Deere boots that Grandma bought him, and his John Deere t-shirt, and I thought he looked so cute! He was so excited when we got there, because I have been telling him for several days how Aunt KK and I were taking him to see the pumpkins. Pumpkins were everywhere. They have the sidewalks all lined with pumpkins, and since Thomas has been learning to count, he kept pointing to and counting all the pumpkins. He counts everything these days. He's able to do 1,2,3 and then for some reason, he usually goes to 7,8,9,10,11 then 17,18. I'm so amazed that he can do that. Little 2 year old brains really are like sponges.

KK and I both brought our cameras, so between the two of us, we were able to get some pretty cute shots. Thomas has never been easy to photograph, because he's so busy, but finally I can make some funny faces to him that actually crack him up. I love that he's getting older... this age is so much more fun than the infant/baby age. ;-)

Thomas does the funniest little thing where, out of the blue, he'll shake his little bootie back and forth to make me laugh, and KK captured him at just the right moment!

"Oooonnne, Twoooooo, Tweeeee..."

Thomas and his Aunt KK

Friday, September 4, 2009

Fishing with Daddy

Mike came home from work about 3:30 today, so he and Thomas could go fishing. They went to Ray Hubbard. Of course as soon as they left, I started thinking about all the things I could squeeze in while they were gone. I ran to the post office, went to Kroger, swung by Target, and then to Walmart. I needed different things from everywhere. It's so amazing how much you can get done without a toddler with you. I was even able to come home and clean up our living room mess and take a shower before the fisherman arrived. ;-) Anyway, Mike sent these iPhone pics to me while they were out. These pictures just crack me up for some reason. Mike said Thomas was so good on the boat. He sits in the other seat and just looks all around while the boat is moving, and Mike said he played with his fishing pole in the water the whole time while Mike was fishing. I packed them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and crackers and stuff, so they had their supper on the boat. It was a quick, but nice time alone for me. I look forward to more free evenings soon! Maybe next time they go, I'll actually sit down and do nothing.

Thomas looks like a little thug here with his too big shorts. I was on the phone with Mike right before he took this, and I heard Thomas saying, "No. No!". I asked Mike what he was fussing about, and he said, "He doesn't want to leave." I guess we have a little fisherman in training. Thomas doesn't know that he has the best teacher there is!

When you ask Thomas how Daddy "goes" when he goes fishing, he throws his arm out like he's casting and makes a little cast sound. So funny. I took this before they left.

Curls to be Tamed

Every morning, I have to wet Thomas's wild hair and attempt to create something half way decent looking. It never lasts long, but at least he starts off looking kempt.

We went to Frisco today and Thomas and I listened to his John Deere (James Coffey) music CD. Here he is doing his dancing thing in the back seat. ;-)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Yale Park

About 11:00 this morning, Thomas and I were out riding around eating our lunch and we saw a park sign, so of course I turned to go checked it out. We were in Richardson off of Campbell Rd. and the name of the park was Yale Park. It was actually really nice and the school kids next to it were out playing flag football, so we could hear them playing. It was kind of breezy and not quite hot yet, so we decided to get out and play! Thomas had a good time as always.

Here he is running to the park... so happy!!!

Thomas loves to use anything he can as a "highway".

Thomas is so funny. I won't be paying attention and then I'll look over at him, and he's looking at me like this. He lifts his shirt up so I'll tickle him, or give him a noogie as I call it. ;-) Funny little boy. I call this "open for business". ha!

A little girl named, Macy, was at the park with her Dad. She and Thomas seemed to like each other. She played with his tractor, and he enjoyed throwing her little ball.

It was about time for Thomas to nap, so we headed back home. He ate the rest of his apples from McDonalds.

Then... he fell asleep.

I'm sitting in his room on his rocking chair right now. He's got the cutest little snore going on. I just might have to lie down with him. I love nap time!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Prairie Creek Park in Richardson

Thomas and I went to Prairie Creek Park in Richardson, and it was really scenic. They have some nice winding dirt trails in the woods next to a beautiful neighborhood. There is even a cool waterfall. Of course Thomas and I ended up playing in the creek. One of these days I'll be prepared and have him in his actual bathing suit.

Poor Thomas. He was having a good 'ole time in the creek and then he wanted his little truck, so I tossed it over to him and hit him on the head. He wasn't sure why I had done that. ;-) Sweet baby.