Friday, September 4, 2009

Fishing with Daddy

Mike came home from work about 3:30 today, so he and Thomas could go fishing. They went to Ray Hubbard. Of course as soon as they left, I started thinking about all the things I could squeeze in while they were gone. I ran to the post office, went to Kroger, swung by Target, and then to Walmart. I needed different things from everywhere. It's so amazing how much you can get done without a toddler with you. I was even able to come home and clean up our living room mess and take a shower before the fisherman arrived. ;-) Anyway, Mike sent these iPhone pics to me while they were out. These pictures just crack me up for some reason. Mike said Thomas was so good on the boat. He sits in the other seat and just looks all around while the boat is moving, and Mike said he played with his fishing pole in the water the whole time while Mike was fishing. I packed them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and crackers and stuff, so they had their supper on the boat. It was a quick, but nice time alone for me. I look forward to more free evenings soon! Maybe next time they go, I'll actually sit down and do nothing.

Thomas looks like a little thug here with his too big shorts. I was on the phone with Mike right before he took this, and I heard Thomas saying, "No. No!". I asked Mike what he was fussing about, and he said, "He doesn't want to leave." I guess we have a little fisherman in training. Thomas doesn't know that he has the best teacher there is!

When you ask Thomas how Daddy "goes" when he goes fishing, he throws his arm out like he's casting and makes a little cast sound. So funny. I took this before they left.

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