Thursday, September 3, 2009

Yale Park

About 11:00 this morning, Thomas and I were out riding around eating our lunch and we saw a park sign, so of course I turned to go checked it out. We were in Richardson off of Campbell Rd. and the name of the park was Yale Park. It was actually really nice and the school kids next to it were out playing flag football, so we could hear them playing. It was kind of breezy and not quite hot yet, so we decided to get out and play! Thomas had a good time as always.

Here he is running to the park... so happy!!!

Thomas loves to use anything he can as a "highway".

Thomas is so funny. I won't be paying attention and then I'll look over at him, and he's looking at me like this. He lifts his shirt up so I'll tickle him, or give him a noogie as I call it. ;-) Funny little boy. I call this "open for business". ha!

A little girl named, Macy, was at the park with her Dad. She and Thomas seemed to like each other. She played with his tractor, and he enjoyed throwing her little ball.

It was about time for Thomas to nap, so we headed back home. He ate the rest of his apples from McDonalds.

Then... he fell asleep.

I'm sitting in his room on his rocking chair right now. He's got the cutest little snore going on. I just might have to lie down with him. I love nap time!!!!

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