Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our Little Disney Mouse

Mike, Thomas, and I took our first trip to Disney World together. Mike's sister, Deborah planned the entire trip for us. She and Brad and Bryson and Jessica all packed in the RV with us, and we headed to Orlando. We were there for about 7 days, and it was the MOST FUN! It was so nice having the RV, because we would take it to the park during the day and when Thomas needed a nap or (Momma needed a nap), we could just walk right out to the air conditioned RV (or RVV as Thomas says) and chill out for a while. The first day was a slow start because Thomas and the stroller didn't "agree" if you know what I mean. Mike had the brilliant idea to just brave the park without the stroller and everything went smoothly from there. Thomas got to run wild, and Mike and I got some snuggle lovin' when Thomas wanted to be held. We went to Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, and Hollywood Studios. We had several breakfasts with the characters and Jessica got her hair and nails done in the Castle. Deborah and I both took tons of pictures and videos, so I'm hoping to get some of the best ones posted here pretty soon. I'll add more stories about the trip as I post them. Here are a couple of my favorite videos from the trip. Hope you enjoy them!

Thomas Dancing to the Drum Beat at Animal Kingdom
Thomas is so funny when he hears music. His way of dancing is to move his head back and forth sometimes to the beat... and sometimes not. He did this little dance a lot while we were at Disney World. Funny little boy.

Thomas in the RV Watching Daddy's Fishing Show
Thomas had taken a nap in the RV at Animal Kingdom. When he woke up Daddy gave him some cereal and they watched his online fishing show.

Poo Face at the Castle
We were all enjoying our breakfast with the characters at the Castle at Magic Kingdom. Then we noticed Thomas sitting at the head of the table with a certain "poo face". For some reason this always kills me. We all had a good laugh. I couldn't keep the camera steady since I was laughing so hard. I just can't imagine what it must be like to go to the bathroom on the spot like that. Guess I'm glad I'm not a toddler!

The Joy of Running
Thomas was such a good little boy and sat through the entire hour and a half Cirque du Soleil La Nouba show. Daddy bought him a couple lollipops that certainly helped. ;-) After the show, he and his cousins, Bryson and Jessica, unleashed all their energy. Thomas ran around like crazy. It's so fun to see the pure joy he gets from the smallest things.

Go Back... to Disney World
Every night, by the end of the long fun day at Disney World, poor ol' Thomas would just lose it. This is a funny little interaction between Thomas and Mike's sister, Aunt Deborah.

So Excited to be Looking Through a Tree

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