Sunday, August 16, 2009

Napping at Aunt KK's

KayLynn had a yard sale on Saturday, so we brought some donuts over and hung out. The weather was perfect, cause it was hot, but breezy. She has a lot of shade in her yard too, so that helps. Thomas and I took the stroller down to the little town square and had so much fun shopping. I was good and did not buy the bedazzled sparkly purse that I so fell in love with. I settled for a $1 tube of Avon lotion instead.

Playing in the Old Crib
We gave KK our old crib, and Thomas had fun playing in it. KK would want me to excuse her little mess... This is her really pretty extra bedroom, but we had a mess in there cause of the yard sale. ;-)

Tired Little Snoring Monkey
I was wondering if Thomas would take a nap over at KK's, and I lucked out. The only requirements he had were that his shoes "Go Non!!!", so by all means, I left the shoes on. He slept like a log. I slept for 2 hours with him and he slept another hour and 10 minutes. He was pooped.

Rise and Shine

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