Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lukenbach was My Favorite!

(Fredericksburg) Saturday morning, we woke up and it was nice and overcast. We drove the little car with the bikes on top a few miles down the road. We parked in a library parking lot near Main St. Thomas was so happy to put his helmet on and get on the bike. We noticed that there were signs saying no bikes were allowed on the sidewalks, so we stayed on the street. We saw all the cute little shops and then turned off the main drag into a neighborhood. There were some cool bed and breakfasts and fixed up old houses. Thomas hadn't slept very well the night before, so he looked really relaxed over on Mike's bike. We ended up back on the shopping street and I saw the "Spunky Monkey" toy store, so I had to go check it out. I ran in really quickly to check out the Curious George section and I got Thomas a lift the flap book and a Curious George jack in the box. On our way back to the car, we passed the nice town square area that had a big sandy park. Thomas said, "Get Down", so we stopped and let him play. Then we headed back to the RV, and Thomas and I had a nap. I never miss a good nap. ;-)

The best part of the day was when we headed to Lukenbach! I have always wanted to go there, and it's not far from Fredericksburg. I knew there wasn't much to it, but I still wanted to go check it out. We turned onto the one road and it was just beautiful! There were tons of big oak trees and the little Post Office that you see in all the pictures sits over to the left. On the other side of the street is the dance hall and a sort of concession area. We got there about 6:00 and a band was going to play at 8. Not too many people were there. There were several motorcycles parked near the dance hall and it looked like mostly tourist types checking out the Post Office. There are some picnic tables next to the Post Office and several roosters running around. Thomas even tried unsuccessfully to catch one. Mike was getting a little annoyed by all my picture taking, but I don't think he realized how amazed I was at how beautiful it was there! It really looks like a movie set. Even the people hanging out there looked like carefully chosen extras in an old Western. A security guy took a really cool picture of all of us sitting on the bench at the Post Office. I could tell he had taken that picture many times before because of how carefully he framed it. ;-) Thomas played with his truck in the rocks on the side of the road, and we just sort of hung out there for about an hour. The band was warming up, the locusts were chirping (do locusts chirp?), the roosters were cockadoodling, and the sun was setting. I was ready to pitch a tent and stay the night. I hope to go there again sometime. I'd love to see someone like Pat Green play there. Something else to look forward to...

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