Friday, August 7, 2009

We Should Always Be Greeted This Way!

Mike's Mom is a life savor for me, because she keeps Thomas 2 days (and nights) for me! She has clothes/toys/bedding and everything, so all I take is Thomas. Mike is out of town a bunch with his fishing, so he's not really able to give me many breaks, but his wonderful Mother makes up for it! She just loves Thomas so much, and he loves his Grandma and Popo too! I get butterflies every time I go pick him up! This is a little video of him running out to greet me when I got there that morning. Love my baby boy. Thanks, Grandma and PoPo for giving me sanity... even if the sanity is only temporary!

Thomas Gets Some John Deere Shirts from Grandma
Mike's Mom is so sweet. She is always getting new toys and clothes for her grandkids. She had gone to Cracker Barrel and couldn't pass up some of the cutest John Deere t-shirts. Thomas was excited to put on his new shirt.

Jumping on the Bed at Grandma's

Isn't It Funny How We Have to Learn to Jump
The boy's got skills...

Pop Goes Curious George

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